Sunday, February 8, 2009

Harvard Battles the RIAA

Law students at Harvard have the oppotunity to assist in defense cases against the RIAA according to Ars Technica. Professor Charles Nesson has never agreed with the position of RIAA, that schools are responsible for passing on litigation notices to students behind their IP addresses. His opinion is that it is not up to universities to take responsibilty for propping up the RIAAs outdated business model. Joel Tanenbaum who is up against the RIAA is currently being defended by a student team led by Nesson. The group also want to make the public aware of what´s going on, so that the issue becomes broader than just one man´s defense. If successful it may even force the RIAA into using more reasonable methods rather than the witch hunt and excessive damages they are currently pursuing.

Selfish Parents

Our modern society means both parents have to get up at the crack of dawn to get to work on time, are late home and all this just to cover the mortgage payments on over-priced houses. That I can understand. However having children is a responsibility and a choice. I always wondered how many couples have children just to keep up with the Jones´s, dumping the kids at the creche at the first available opportunity and whether such a lifestyle really is good for the child.
Seems like this really is a cause for concern according to the BBC. As if that wasn´t bad enough, school league tables, advertising and other effects that promote individualism in children rather than benefiting social behaviour are damaging childhoods. Too many broken families and single parents are leading to more behavioural problems. The next generation is a product if the current one and it doesn´t bode well for the future if all we end up with are a bunch of selfish, anti-social brats.